Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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We wait to see the "Old Santee " come sailing- into shore;
And then we'll fight for Southern rights, and make the can­non roar;
But if a fleet we have to meet, of gunboats large and strong,
We'll cross the bridge without a siege, and think it nothing wrong.
When on mainland, we'll take our stand, and all their hosts
defy ; There we will fight for Southern rights—we'll fight them till
we die.
*                   *                   *                   *                   *
Two months passed by, they came not nigh, but only cruis'd around,
As if to find the channel's wind, for which they oft did sound;
But this was all, the Eagle bald, did not attempt to land;
His courage fail'd, away he sailed, and made no more de­mand.
But Harriet Lane, she did remain, with quite a heavy fleet, She came up nigher and open'd fire in order quite complete; 'Twas at Fort Point she did dismount our best and largest
gun; 'Twas now in vain here to remain, so we for life did run.
'Mid bomb and grape we did escape, and not a life was lost; Fearing the town they would burn down over the bridge we
crossed; Then on mainland we took our stand, determined not to yield, Tho' bomb and ball should thickly fall, and we die on the